Kannudi -- A Reference Editor for Kannada

Vishweshwar V. Dixit

Kannudi is a reference editor for Kannada based on OPOK! and OHOK! principles, and domain knowledge. It introduces a method of input for Kannada, called OHOK!, that is, Ottu Haku Ottu Kodu! (apply pressure and give ottu). This is especially suited for pressure sensitive input devices, though the current online implementation uses the regular mechanical keyboard. OHOK! has three possible modes, namely, sva-ottu (self-conjunct), kandante (as you see), and andante (as you say). It may be noted that kandante mode does not follow the phonetic order. However, this mode may work well for those who are inclined to visualize as they type rather than vocalizing the sounds. Kannudi also demonstrates how domain knowledge can be effectively used to potentially increase speed, accuracy, and user friendliness. For example, selection of a default vowel, automatic shunyification, and arkification. Also implemented are four types Deletes that are necessary for phono-syllabic languages like Kannada.

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