An efficient topology optimization method based on adaptive reanalysis with projection reduction

Jichao Yin, Hu Wang, Shuhao Li, Daozhen Guo

Efficient topology optimization based on the adaptive auxiliary reduced model reanalysis (AARMR) is proposed to improve computational efficiency and scale. In this method, a projection auxiliary reduced model (PARM) is integrated into the combined approximation reduced model (CARM) to reduce the dimension of the model in different aspects. First, the CARM restricts the solution space to avoid large matrix factorization. Second, the PARM is proposed to construct the CARM dynamically to save computational cost. Furthermore, the multi-grid conjugate gradient method is suggested to update PARM adaptively. Finally, several classic numerical examples are tested to show that the proposed method not only significantly improves computational efficiency, but also can solve large-scale problems that are difficult to solve by direct solvers due to the memory limitations.

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