Learning Ambiguity from Crowd Sequential Annotations

Xiaolei Lu

Most crowdsourcing learning methods treat disagreement between annotators as noisy labelings while inter-disagreement among experts is often a good indicator for the ambiguity and uncertainty that is inherent in natural language. In this paper, we propose a framework called Learning Ambiguity from Crowd Sequential Annotations (LA-SCA) to explore the inter-disagreement between reliable annotators and effectively preserve confusing label information. First, a hierarchical Bayesian model is developed to infer ground-truth from crowds and group the annotators with similar reliability together. By modeling the relationship between the size of group the annotator involved in, the annotator's reliability and element's unambiguity in each sequence, inter-disagreement between reliable annotators on ambiguous elements is computed to obtain label confusing information that is incorporated to cost-sensitive sequence labeling. Experimental results on POS tagging and NER tasks show that our proposed framework achieves competitive performance in inferring ground-truth from crowds and predicting unknown sequences, and interpreting hierarchical clustering results helps discover labeling patterns of annotators with similar reliability.

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