VQNet 2.0: A New Generation Machine Learning Framework that Unifies Classical and Quantum

Huanyu Bian, Zhilong Jia, Menghan Dou, Yuan Fang, Lei li, Yiming Zhao, Hanchao Wang, Zhaohui Zhou, Wei Wang, Wenyu Zhu, Ye Li, Yang Yang, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu, Zhaoyun Chen, Guoping Guo

With the rapid development of classical and quantum machine learning, a large number of machine learning frameworks have been proposed. However, existing machine learning frameworks usually only focus on classical or quantum, rather than both. Therefore, based on VQNet 1.0, we further propose VQNet 2.0, a new generation of unified classical and quantum machine learning framework that supports hybrid optimization. The core library of the framework is implemented in C++, and the user level is implemented in Python, and it supports deployment on quantum and classical hardware. In this article, we analyze the development trend of the new generation machine learning framework and introduce the design principles of VQNet 2.0 in detail: unity, practicality, efficiency, and compatibility, as well as full particulars of implementation. We illustrate the functions of VQNet 2.0 through several basic applications, including classical convolutional neural networks, quantum autoencoders, hybrid classical-quantum networks, etc. After that, through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that the operation speed of VQNet 2.0 is higher than the comparison method. Finally, through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that VQNet 2.0 can deploy on different hardware platforms, the overall calculation speed is faster than the comparison method. It also can be mixed and optimized with quantum circuits composed of multiple quantum computing libraries.

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