Modeling Scattering Coefficients using Self-Attentive Complex Polynomials with Image-based Representation

Andrew Cohen, Weiping Dou, Jiang Zhu, Slawomir Koziel, Peter Renner, Jan-Ove Mattsson, Xiaomeng Yang, Beidi Chen, Kevin Stone, Yuandong Tian

Finding antenna designs that satisfy frequency requirements and are also optimal with respect to multiple physical criteria is a critical component in designing next generation hardware. However, such a process is non-trivial because the objective function is typically highly nonlinear and sensitive to subtle design change. Moreover, the objective to be optimized often involves electromagnetic (EM) simulations, which is slow and expensive with commercial simulation software. In this work, we propose a sample-efficient and accurate surrogate model, named CZP (Constant Zeros Poles), to directly estimate the scattering coefficients in the frequency domain of a given 2D planar antenna design, without using a simulator. CZP achieves this by predicting the complex zeros and poles for the frequency response of scattering coefficients, which we have theoretically justified for any linear PDE, including Maxwell's equations. Moreover, instead of using low-dimensional representations, CZP leverages a novel image-based representation for antenna topology inspired by the existing mesh-based EM simulation techniques, and attention-based neural network architectures. We demonstrate experimentally that CZP not only outperforms baselines in terms of test loss, but also is able to find 2D antenna designs verifiable by commercial software with only 40k training samples, when coupling with advanced sequential search techniques like reinforcement learning.

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