SatNetOps: Toward Multi-Layer Networking for Satellite Network Operations

Peng Hu

Recent advancements in low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites aim to bring resilience, ubiquitous, and high-quality service to future Internet infrastructure. However, the soaring number of space assets, increasing dynamics of LEO satellites and expanding dimensions of network threats call for an enhanced approach to efficient satellite operations. To address these pressing challenges, we propose an approach for satellite network operations based on multi-layer satellite networking (MLSN), called "SatNetOps". Two SatNetOps schemes are proposed, referred to as LEO-LEO MLSN (LLM) and GEO-LEO MLSN (GLM). The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated in 24-hr satellite scenarios with typical payload setups in simulations, where the key metrics such as latency and reliability are discussed with the consideration of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) standard-compliant telemetry and telecommand missions. Although the SatNetOps approach is promising, we analyze the factors affecting the performance of the LLM and GLM schemes. The discussions on the results and conclusive remarks are made in the end.

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