Causal Inference for Recommendation: Foundations, Methods and Applications

Shuyuan Xu, Jianchao Ji, Yunqi Li, Yingqiang Ge, Juntao Tan, Yongfeng Zhang

Recommender systems are important and powerful tools for various personalized services. Traditionally, these systems use data mining and machine learning techniques to make recommendations based on correlations found in the data. However, relying solely on correlation without considering the underlying causal mechanism may lead to various practical issues such as fairness, explainability, robustness, bias, echo chamber and controllability problems. Therefore, researchers in related area have begun incorporating causality into recommendation systems to address these issues. In this survey, we review the existing literature on causal inference in recommender systems. We discuss the fundamental concepts of both recommender systems and causal inference as well as their relationship, and review the existing work on causal methods for different problems in recommender systems. Finally, we discuss open problems and future directions in the field of causal inference for recommendations.

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