UDTIRI: An Open-Source Road Pothole Detection Benchmark Suite

Sicen Guo, Jiahang Li, Shuai Su, Yi Feng, Dacheng Zhou, Chen Chen, Denghuang Zhang, Xingyi Zhu, Qijun Chen, Rui Fan

It is seen that there is enormous potential to leverage powerful deep learning methods in the emerging field of urban digital twins. It is particularly in the area of intelligent road inspection where there is currently limited research and data available. To facilitate progress in this field, we have developed a well-labeled road pothole dataset named Urban Digital Twins Intelligent Road Inspection (UDTIRI) dataset. We hope this dataset will enable the use of powerful deep learning methods in urban road inspection, providing algorithms with a more comprehensive understanding of the scene and maximizing their potential. Our dataset comprises 1000 images of potholes, captured in various scenarios with different lighting and humidity conditions. Our intention is to employ this dataset for object detection, semantic segmentation, and instance segmentation tasks. Our team has devoted significant effort to conducting a detailed statistical analysis, and benchmarking a selection of representative algorithms from recent years. We also provide a multi-task platform for researchers to fully exploit the performance of various algorithms with the support of UDTIRI dataset.

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