UAV-based Maritime Communications: Relaying to Enhance the Link Quality

Abdullah Taha Çağan, Görkem Berkay Koç, Handan Yakın, Berk Çiloğlu, Muhammad Zeeshan Ashgar, Özgün Ersoy, Jyri Hämäläinen, Metin Öztürk

Providing a stable connectivity in maritime communications is of utmost importance to unleash the full potential of smart ports. Nonetheless, due to the crowded nature of harbor environments, it is likely that some ships are shadowed by others, resulting in reduced received power that subsequently diminishes their data rates-even threatens basic connectivity requirements. Given that UAVs have been regarded as an integral part of future generations of wireless communication networks, they can be employed in maritime communications as well. In this paper, we investigate the use of UAV-mounted relays in order to help mitigate the reduced data rates of blocked links in maritime communications. Various communication architectures are considered based on the positioning mechanism of the UAV; in this regard, fixed, k-means algorithm-based, and landing spot-based positioning approaches are examined. On the other hand, since UAVs are predominantly battery-operated, the energy consumption performances of these approaches are also measured. Results reveal that the landing spot-based UAV relay positioning approach finds the best trade-off between the data rate and energy consumption.

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