Addressing Variable Dependency in GNN-based SAT Solving

Zhiyuan Yan, Min Li, Zhengyuan Shi, Wenjie Zhang, Yingcong Chen, Hongce Zhang

Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) is fundamental to many applications. Existing works have used graph neural networks (GNNs) for (approximate) SAT solving. Typical GNN-based end-to-end SAT solvers predict SAT solutions concurrently. We show that for a group of symmetric SAT problems, the concurrent prediction is guaranteed to produce a wrong answer because it neglects the dependency among Boolean variables in SAT problems. % We propose AsymSAT, a GNN-based architecture which integrates recurrent neural networks to generate dependent predictions for variable assignments. The experiment results show that dependent variable prediction extends the solving capability of the GNN-based method as it improves the number of solved SAT instances on large test sets.

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