Two-stage models for flood mitigation of electrical substations

Brent Austgen, Erhan Kutanoglu, John J. Hasenbein, Surya Santoso

We compare stochastic programming and robust optimization decision models for informing the deployment of temporary flood mitigation measures to protect electrical substations prior to an imminent and uncertain hurricane. In our models, the first stage captures the deployment of a fixed quantity of flood mitigation resources, and the second stage captures the operation of a potentially degraded power grid with the primary goal of minimizing load shed. To model grid operation, we introduce novel adaptations of the DC and LPAC power flow approximation models that feature relatively complete recourse by way of a blackout indicator variable and relaxed model of power generation. We apply our models to a pair of geographically realistic flooding case studies, one based on Hurricane Harvey and the other on Tropical Storm Imelda. We investigate the effect of the mitigation budget, the choice of power flow model, and the uncertainty perspective on the optimal mitigation strategy. Our results indicate the mitigation budget and uncertainty perspective are impactful whereas the choice of power flow model is of little to no consequence.

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