ContraCluster: Learning to Classify without Labels by Contrastive Self-Supervision and Prototype-Based Semi-Supervision

Seongho Joe, Byoungjip Kim, Hoyoung Kang, Kyoungwon Park, Bogun Kim, Jaeseon Park, Joonseok Lee, Youngjune Gwon

The recent advances in representation learning inspire us to take on the challenging problem of unsupervised image classification tasks in a principled way. We propose ContraCluster, an unsupervised image classification method that combines clustering with the power of contrastive self-supervised learning. ContraCluster consists of three stages: (1) contrastive self-supervised pre-training (CPT), (2) contrastive prototype sampling (CPS), and (3) prototype-based semi-supervised fine-tuning (PB-SFT). CPS can select highly accurate, categorically prototypical images in an embedding space learned by contrastive learning. We use sampled prototypes as noisy labeled data to perform semi-supervised fine-tuning (PB-SFT), leveraging small prototypes and large unlabeled data to further enhance the accuracy. We demonstrate empirically that ContraCluster achieves new state-of-the-art results for standard benchmark datasets including CIFAR-10, STL-10, and ImageNet-10. For example, ContraCluster achieves about 90.8% accuracy for CIFAR-10, which outperforms DAC (52.2%), IIC (61.7%), and SCAN (87.6%) by a large margin. Without any labels, ContraCluster can achieve a 90.8% accuracy that is comparable to 95.8% by the best supervised counterpart.

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