Analytical Large-Signal Modeling of Inverter-based Microgrids with Koopman Operator Theory for Autonomous Control

Zixiao Ma, Zhaoyu Wang

The microgrid (MG) plays a crucial role in the energy transition, but its nonlinearity presents a significant challenge for large-signal power systems studies in the electromagnetic transient (EMT) time scale. In this paper, we develop a large-signal linear MG model that considers the detailed dynamics of the primary and zero-control levels based on the Koopman operator (KO) theory. Firstly, a set of observable functions is carefully designed to capture the nonlinear dynamics of the MG. The corresponding linear KO is then analytically derived based on these observables, resulting in the linear representation of the original nonlinear MG with observables as the new coordinate. The influence of external input on the system dynamics is also considered during the derivation, enabling control of the MG. We solve the voltage control problem using the traditional linear quadratic integrator (LQI) method to demonstrate that textbook linear control techniques can accurately control the original nonlinear MG via the developed KO linearized MG model. Our proposed KO linearization method is generic and can be easily extended for different control objectives and MG structures using our analytical derivation procedure. We validate the effectiveness of our methodology through various case studies.

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