ZEBRA: Z-order Curve-based Event Retrieval Approach to Efficiently Explore Automotive Data

Christian Berger, Lukas Birkemeyer

Evaluating the performance of software for automated vehicles is predominantly driven by data collected from the real world. While professional test drivers are supported with technical means to semi-automatically annotate driving maneuvers to allow better event identification, simple data loggers in large vehicle fleets typically lack automatic and detailed event classification and hence, extra effort is needed when post-processing such data. Yet, the data quality from professional test drivers is apparently higher than the one from large fleets where labels are missing, but the non-annotated data set from large vehicle fleets is much more representative for typical, realistic driving scenarios to be handled by automated vehicles. However, while growing the data from large fleets is relatively simple, adding valuable annotations during post-processing has become increasingly expensive. In this paper, we leverage Z-order space-filling curves to systematically reduce data dimensionality while preserving domain-specific data properties, which allows us to explore even large-scale field data sets to spot interesting events orders of magnitude faster than processing time-series data directly. Furthermore, the proposed concept is based on an analytical approach, which preserves explainability for the identified events.

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