Mastering Asymmetrical Multiplayer Game with Multi-Agent Asymmetric-Evolution Reinforcement Learning

Chenglu Sun, Yichi Zhang, Yu Zhang, Ziling Lu, Jingbin Liu, Sijia Xu, Weidong Zhang

Asymmetrical multiplayer (AMP) game is a popular game genre which involves multiple types of agents competing or collaborating with each other in the game. It is difficult to train powerful agents that can defeat top human players in AMP games by typical self-play training method because of unbalancing characteristics in their asymmetrical environments. We propose asymmetric-evolution training (AET), a novel multi-agent reinforcement learning framework that can train multiple kinds of agents simultaneously in AMP game. We designed adaptive data adjustment (ADA) and environment randomization (ER) to optimize the AET process. We tested our method in a complex AMP game named Tom \& Jerry, and our AIs trained without using any human data can achieve a win rate of 98.5% against top human players over 65 matches. The ablation experiments indicated that the proposed modules are beneficial to the framework.

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