Prediction of the evolution of the nuclear reactor core parameters using artificial neural network

Krzysztof Palmi, Wojciech Kubinski, Piotr Darnowski

A nuclear reactor based on MIT BEAVRS benchmark was used as a typical power generating Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). The PARCS v3.2 nodal-diffusion core simulator was used as a full-core reactor physics solver to emulate the operation of a reactor and to generate training, and validation data for the ANN. The ANN was implemented with dedicated Python 3.8 code with Google's TensorFlow 2.0 library. The effort was based to a large extent on the process of appropriate automatic transformation of data generated by PARCS simulator, which was later used in the process of the ANN development. Various methods that allow obtaining better accuracy of the ANN predicted results were studied, such as trying different ANN architectures to find the optimal number of neurons in the hidden layers of the network. Results were later compared with the architectures proposed in the literature. For the selected best architecture predictions were made for different core parameters and their dependence on core loading patterns. In this study, a special focus was put on the prediction of the fuel cycle length for a given core loading pattern, as it can be considered one of the targets for plant economic operation. For instance, the length of a single fuel cycle depending on the initial core loading pattern was predicted with very good accuracy (>99%). This work contributes to the exploration of the usefulness of neural networks in solving nuclear reactor design problems. Thanks to the application of ANN, designers can avoid using an excessive amount of core simulator runs and more rapidly explore the space of possible solutions before performing more detailed design considerations.

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