DCN-T: Dual Context Network with Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Di Wang, Jing Zhang, Bo Du, Liangpei Zhang, Dacheng Tao

Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is challenging due to spatial variability caused by complex imaging conditions. Prior methods suffer from limited representation ability, as they train specially designed networks from scratch on limited annotated data. We propose a tri-spectral image generation pipeline that transforms HSI into high-quality tri-spectral images, enabling the use of off-the-shelf ImageNet pretrained backbone networks for feature extraction. Motivated by the observation that there are many homogeneous areas with distinguished semantic and geometric properties in HSIs, which can be used to extract useful contexts, we propose an end-to-end segmentation network named DCN-T. It adopts transformers to effectively encode regional adaptation and global aggregation spatial contexts within and between the homogeneous areas discovered by similarity-based clustering. To fully exploit the rich spectrums of the HSI, we adopt an ensemble approach where all segmentation results of the tri-spectral images are integrated into the final prediction through a voting scheme. Extensive experiments on three public benchmarks show that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods for HSI classification.

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