Analysis of a Computational Framework for Bayesian Inverse Problems: Ensemble Kalman Updates and MAP Estimators Under Mesh Refinement

Daniel Sanz-Alonso, Nathan Waniorek

This paper analyzes a popular computational framework to solve infinite-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems, discretizing the prior and the forward model in a finite-dimensional weighted inner product space. We demonstrate the benefit of working on a weighted space by establishing operator-norm bounds for finite element and graph-based discretizations of Mat\'ern-type priors and deconvolution forward models. For linear-Gaussian inverse problems, we develop a general theory to characterize the error in the approximation to the posterior. We also embed the computational framework into ensemble Kalman methods and MAP estimators for nonlinear inverse problems. Our operator-norm bounds for prior discretizations guarantee the scalability and accuracy of these algorithms under mesh refinement.

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