Movable-Antenna Array-Enabled Wireless Communication with CoMP Reception

Guojie Hu, Qingqing Wu, Jian Ouyang, Kui Xu, Yunlong Cai, Naofal Al-Dhahir

We consider the movable antenna (MA) array-enabled wireless communication with coordinate multi-point (CoMP) reception, where multiple destinations adopt the maximal ratio combination technique to jointly decode the common message sent from the transmitter equipped with the MA array. Our goal is to maximize the effective received signal-to-noise ratio, by jointly optimizing the transmit beamforming and the positions of the MA array. Although the formulated problem is highly non-convex, we reveal that it is fundamental to maximize the principal eigenvalue of a hermite channel matrix which is a function of the positions of the MA array. The corresponding sub-problem is still non-convex, for which we develop a computationally efficient algorithm. Afterwards, the optimal transmit beamforming is determined with a closed-form solution. In addition, the theoretical performance upper bound is analyzed. Since the MA array brings an additional spatial degree of freedom by flexibly adjusting all antennas' positions, it achieves significant performance gain compared to competitive benchmarks.

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