Token-Level Adversarial Prompt Detection Based on Perplexity Measures and Contextual Information

Zhengmian Hu, Gang Wu, Saayan Mitra, Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Sun, Heng Huang, Vishy Swaminathan

In recent years, Large Language Models (LLM) have emerged as pivotal tools in various applications. However, these models are susceptible to adversarial prompt attacks, where attackers can carefully curate input strings that lead to undesirable outputs. The inherent vulnerability of LLMs stems from their input-output mechanisms, especially when presented with intensely out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. This paper proposes a token-level detection method to identify adversarial prompts, leveraging the LLM's capability to predict the next token's probability. We measure the degree of the model's perplexity and incorporate neighboring token information to encourage the detection of contiguous adversarial prompt sequences. As a result, we propose two methods: one that identifies each token as either being part of an adversarial prompt or not, and another that estimates the probability of each token being part of an adversarial prompt.

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