Joint-Space Multi-Robot Motion Planning with Learned Decentralized Heuristics

Fengze Xie, Marcus Dominguez-Kuhne, Benjamin Riviere, Jialin Song, Wolfgang Hönig, Soon-Jo Chung, Yisong Yue

In this paper, we present a method of multi-robot motion planning by biasing centralized, sampling-based tree search with decentralized, data-driven steer and distance heuristics. Over a range of robot and obstacle densities, we evaluate the plain Rapidly-expanding Random Trees (RRT), and variants of our method for double integrator dynamics. We show that whereas plain RRT fails in every instance to plan for $4$ robots, our method can plan for up to 16 robots, corresponding to searching through a very large 65-dimensional space, which validates the effectiveness of data-driven heuristics at combating exponential search space growth. We also find that the heuristic information is complementary; using both heuristics produces search trees with lower failure rates, nodes, and path costs when compared to using each in isolation. These results illustrate the effective decomposition of high-dimensional joint-space motion planning problems into local problems.

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