Towards Accurate Loop Closure Detection in Semantic SLAM with 3D Semantic Covisibility Graphs

Zhentian Qian, Jie Fu, Jing Xiao

Loop closure is necessary for correcting errors accumulated in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in unknown environments. However, conventional loop closure methods based on low-level geometric or image features may cause high ambiguity by not distinguishing similar scenarios. Thus, incorrect loop closures can occur. Though semantic 2D image information is considered in some literature to detect loop closures, there is little work that compares 3D scenes as an integral part of a semantic SLAM system. This paper introduces an approach, called SmSLAM+LCD, integrated into a semantic SLAM system to combine high-level 3D semantic information and low-level feature information to conduct accurate loop closure detection and effective drift reduction. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated in testing results.

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