IEKM: A Model Incorporating External Keyword Matrices

Cheng Luo, Qin Li, Zhao Yan, Mengliang Rao, Yunbo Cao

A customer service platform system with a core text semantic similarity (STS) task faces two urgent challenges: Firstly, one platform system needs to adapt to different domains of customers, i.e., different domains adaptation (DDA). Secondly, it is difficult for the model of the platform system to distinguish sentence pairs that are literally close but semantically different, i.e., hard negative samples. In this paper, we propose an incorporation external keywords matrices model (IEKM) to address these challenges. The model uses external tools or dictionaries to construct external matrices and fuses them to the self-attention layers of the Transformer structure through gating units, thus enabling flexible corrections to the model results. We evaluate the method on multiple datasets and the results show that our method has improved performance on all datasets. To demonstrate that our method can effectively solve all the above challenges, we conduct a flexible correction experiment, which results in an increase in the F1 value from 56.61 to 73.53. Our code will be publicly available.

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