Virtual Home Staging: Inverse Rendering and Editing an Indoor Panorama under Natural Illumination

Guanzhou Ji, Azadeh O. Sawyer, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan

We propose a novel inverse rendering method that enables the transformation of existing indoor panoramas with new indoor furniture layouts under natural illumination. To achieve this, we captured indoor HDR panoramas along with real-time outdoor hemispherical HDR photographs. Indoor and outdoor HDR images were linearly calibrated with measured absolute luminance values for accurate scene relighting. Our method consists of three key components: (1) panoramic furniture detection and removal, (2) automatic floor layout design, and (3) global rendering with scene geometry, new furniture objects, and a real-time outdoor photograph. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our workflow in rendering indoor scenes under different outdoor illumination conditions. Additionally, we contribute a new calibrated HDR (Cali-HDR) dataset that consists of 137 calibrated indoor panoramas and their associated outdoor photographs. The source code and dataset are available:

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