Content Augmented Graph Neural Networks

Fatemeh Gholamzadeh Nasrabadi, AmirHossein Kashani, Pegah Zahedi, Mostafa Haghir Chehreghani

In recent years, graph neural networks (GNNs) have become a popular tool for solving various problems over graphs. In these models, the link structure of the graph is typically exploited and nodes' embeddings are iteratively updated based on adjacent nodes. Nodes' contents are used solely in the form of feature vectors, served as nodes' first-layer embeddings. However, the filters or convolutions, applied during iterations/layers to these initial embeddings lead to their impact diminish and contribute insignificantly to the final embeddings. In order to address this issue, in this paper we propose augmenting nodes' embeddings by embeddings generating from their content, at higher GNN layers. More precisely, we propose models wherein a structural embedding using a GNN and a content embedding are computed for each node. These two are combined using a combination layer to form the embedding of a node at a given layer. We suggest methods such as using an auto-encoder or building a content graph, to generate content embeddings. In the end, by conducting experiments over several real-world datasets, we demonstrate the high accuracy and performance of our models.

Knowledge Graph



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