Mod2VQLS: a Variational Quantum Algorithm for Solving Systems of Linear Equations Modulo 2

Willie Aboumrad, Dominic Widdows

This paper presents a system for solving binary-valued linear equations using quantum computers. The system is called Mod2VQLS, which stands for Modulo2 Variational Quantum Linear Solver. As far as we know, this is the first such proposal. The design is a classical-quantum hybrid. The quantum components are a new circuit design for implementing matrix multiplication modulo 2, and a variational circuit to be optimized. The classical components are the optimizer which measures the cost function and updates the quantum parameters for each iteration, and the controller that runs the quantum job and classical optimizer iterations. We propose two alternative ansatze or templates for the variational circuit, and present results showing that the rotation ansatz designed specifically for this problem provides the most direct path to a valid solution. Numerical experiments in low dimensions indicate that Mod2VQLS, using the custom rotations ansatz, is on-a-par with the block Wiedemann algorithm, the best-known to date for this problem.

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