HandSight: DeCAF & Improved Fisher Vectors to Classify Clothing Color and Texture with a Finger-Mounted Camera

Alexander J. Medeiros, Lee Stearns, Jon E. Froehlich

We demonstrate the use of DeCAF and Improved Fisher Vector image features to classify clothing texture. The issue of choosing clothes is a problem for the blind every day. This work attempts to solve the issue with a finger-mounted camera and state-of-the-art classification algorithms. To evaluate our solution, we collected 520 close-up images across 29 pieces of clothing. We contribute (1) the HCTD, an image dataset taken with a NanEyeGS camera, a camera small enough to be mounted on the finger, and (2) evaluations of state-of-the-art recognition algorithms applied to our dataset - achieving an accuracy >95%. Throughout the paper, we will discuss previous work, evaluate the current work, and finally, suggest the project's future direction.

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