Learning to Complement with Multiple Humans (LECOMH): Integrating Multi-rater and Noisy-Label Learning into Human-AI Collaboration

Zheng Zhang, Kevin Wells, Gustavo Carneiro

The advent of learning with noisy labels (LNL), multi-rater learning, and human-AI collaboration has revolutionised the development of robust classifiers, enabling them to address the challenges posed by different types of data imperfections and complex decision processes commonly encountered in real-world applications. While each of these methodologies has individually made significant strides in addressing their unique challenges, the development of techniques that can simultaneously tackle these three problems remains underexplored. This paper addresses this research gap by integrating noisy-label learning, multi-rater learning, and human-AI collaboration with new benchmarks and the innovative Learning to Complement with Multiple Humans (LECOMH) approach. LECOMH optimises the level of human collaboration during testing, aiming to optimise classification accuracy while minimising collaboration costs that vary from 0 to M, where M is the maximum number of human collaborators. We quantitatively compare LECOMH with leading human-AI collaboration methods using our proposed benchmarks. LECOMH consistently outperforms the competition, with accuracy improving as collaboration costs increase. Notably, LECOMH is the only method enhancing human labeller performance across all benchmarks.

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