High-Speed Voltage Control in Active Distribution Systems with Smart Inverter Coordination and Deep Reinforcement Learning

Mohammad Golgol, Anamitra Pal

The increasing penetration of renewable energy resources in distribution systems necessitates high-speed monitoring and control of voltage for ensuring reliable system operation. However, existing voltage control algorithms often make simplifying assumptions in their formulation, such as real-time availability of smart meter measurements (for monitoring), or real-time knowledge of every power injection information(for control).This paper leverages the recent advances made in highspeed state estimation for real-time unobservable distribution systems to formulate a deep reinforcement learning-based control algorithm that utilizes the state estimates alone to control the voltage of the entire system. The results obtained for a modified (renewable-rich) IEEE34-nodedistributionfeeder indicate that the proposed approach excels in monitoring and controlling voltage of active distribution systems.

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