Vast TVB parameter space exploration: A Modular Framework for Accelerating the Multi-Scale Simulation of Human Brain Dynamics

Michiel van der Vlag, Lionel Kusch, Alain Destexhe, Viktor Jirsa, Sandra Diaz-Pier, Jennifer S. Goldman

Global neural dynamics emerge from multi-scale brain structures, with neurons communicating through synapses to form transiently communicating networks. Network activity arises from intercellular communication that depends on the structure of connectome tracts and local connection, intracellular signalling cascades, and the extracellular molecular milieu that regulate cellular properties. Multi-scale models of brain function have begun to directly link the emergence of global brain dynamics in conscious and unconscious brain states to microscopic changes at the level of cells. In particular, AdEx mean-field models representing statistical properties of local populations of neurons have been connected following human tractography data to represent multi-scale neural phenomena in simulations using The Virtual Brain (TVB). While mean-field models can be run on personal computers for short simulations, or in parallel on high-performance computing (HPC) architectures for longer simulations and parameter scans, the computational burden remains high and vast areas of the parameter space remain unexplored. In this work, we report that our TVB-HPC framework, a modular set of methods used here to implement the TVB-AdEx model for GPU and analyze emergent dynamics, notably accelerates simulations and substantially reduces computational resource requirements. The framework preserves the stability and robustness of the TVB-AdEx model, thus facilitating finer resolution exploration of vast parameter spaces as well as longer simulations previously near impossible to perform. Given that simulation and analysis toolkits are made public as open-source packages, our framework serves as a template onto which other models can be easily scripted and personalized datasets can be used for studies of inter-individual variability of parameters related to functional brain dynamics.

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