AC Power Flow Informed Parameter Learning for DC Power Flow Network Equivalents

Babak Taheri, Daniel K. Molzahn

This paper presents an algorithm to optimize the parameters of power systems equivalents to enhance the accuracy of the DC power flow approximation in reduced networks. Based on a zonal division of the network, the algorithm produces a reduced power system equivalent that captures inter-zonal flows with aggregated buses and equivalent transmission lines. The algorithm refines coefficient and bias parameters for the DC power flow model of the reduced network, aiming to minimize discrepancies between inter-zonal flows in DC and AC power flow results. Using optimization methods like BFGS, L-BFGS, and TNC in an offline training phase, these parameters boost the accuracy of online DC power flow computations. In contrast to existing network equivalencing methods, the proposed algorithm optimizes accuracy over a specified range of operation as opposed to only considering a single nominal point. Numerical tests demonstrate substantial accuracy improvements over traditional equivalencing and approximation methods.

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