Composite Adaptive Lyapunov-Based Deep Neural Network (Lb-DNN) Controller

Omkar Sudhir Patil, Emily J. Griffis, Wanjiku A. Makumi, Warren E. Dixon

Recent advancements in adaptive control have equipped deep neural network (DNN)-based controllers with Lyapunov-based adaptation laws that work across a range of DNN architectures to uniquely enable online learning. However, the adaptation laws are based on tracking error, and offer convergence guarantees on only the tracking error without providing conclusions on the parameter estimation performance. Motivated to provide guarantees on the DNN parameter estimation performance, this paper provides the first result on composite adaptation for adaptive Lyapunov-based DNN controllers, which uses the Jacobian of the DNN and a prediction error of the dynamics that is computed using a novel method involving an observer of the dynamics. A Lyapunov-based stability analysis is performed which guarantees the tracking, observer, and parameter estimation errors are uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB), with stronger performance guarantees when the DNN's Jacobian satisfies the persistence of excitation (PE) condition. Comparative simulation results demonstrate a significant performance improvement with the developed composite adaptive Lb-DNN controller in comparison to the tracking error-based Lb-DNN.

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