Towards new challenges of modern Pentest

Daniel Dalalana Bertoglio, Arthur Gil, Juan Acosta, Julia Godoy, Roben Castagna Lunardi, Avelino Francisco Zorzo

With the increasing number of internet-based resources and applications, the amount of attacks faced by companies has increased significantly in the past years. Likewise, the techniques to test security and emulate attacks need to be constantly improved and, as a consequence, help to mitigate attacks. Among these techniques, penetration test (Pentest) provides methods to assess the security posture of assets, using different tools and methodologies applied in specific scenarios. Therefore, this study aims to present current methodologies, tools, and potential challenges applied to Pentest from an updated systematic literature review. As a result, this work provides a new perspective on the scenarios where penetration tests are performed. Also, it presents new challenges such as automation of techniques, management of costs associated with offensive security, and the difficulty in hiring qualified professionals to perform Pentest.

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