Cram\'er-Rao Bounds for the Simultaneous Estimation of Power System Electromechanical Modes and Forced Oscillations

Luke Dosiek

In this paper, the Cram\'{e}r-Rao Bounds (CRB) for the simultaneous estimation of power system electromechanical modes and forced oscillations (FO) are derived. Two cases are considered; in the first case only the steady-state response to the FO is present in the measured system output used by estimation algorithms. In the second, the startup transient of the FO is present in addition to the steady-state response. The CRBs are analyzed numerically to explore sensitivities to FO frequency, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and observation window length. It is demonstrated that 1) the CRB of FO parameters is not affected by the presence of the transient response, 2) the CRB of the system modes is not affected by the presence of an FO in steady-state and 3) the CRB of the system modes can be drastically reduced by the presence of a FO startup transient.

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