Improving performance of heart rate time series classification by grouping subjects

Michael Beekhuizen, Arman Naseri, David Tax, Ivo van der Bilt, Marcel Reinders

Unlike the more commonly analyzed ECG or PPG data for activity classification, heart rate time series data is less detailed, often noisier and can contain missing data points. Using the BigIdeasLab_STEP dataset, which includes heart rate time series annotated with specific tasks performed by individuals, we sought to determine if general classification was achievable. Our analyses showed that the accuracy is sensitive to the choice of window/stride size. Moreover, we found variable classification performances between subjects due to differences in the physical structure of their hearts. Various techniques were used to minimize this variability. First of all, normalization proved to be a crucial step and significantly improved the performance. Secondly, grouping subjects and performing classification inside a group helped to improve performance and decrease inter-subject variability. Finally, we show that including handcrafted features as input to a deep learning (DL) network improves the classification performance further. Together, these findings indicate that heart rate time series can be utilized for classification tasks like predicting activity. However, normalization or grouping techniques need to be chosen carefully to minimize the issue of subject variability.

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