A Safer Vision-based Autonomous Planning System for Quadrotor UAVs with Dynamic Obstacle Trajectory Prediction and Its Application with LLMs

Jiageng Zhong, Ming Li, Yinliang Chen, Zihang Wei, Fan Yang, Haoran Shen

For intelligent quadcopter UAVs, a robust and reliable autonomous planning system is crucial. Most current trajectory planning methods for UAVs are suitable for static environments but struggle to handle dynamic obstacles, which can pose challenges and even dangers to flight. To address this issue, this paper proposes a vision-based planning system that combines tracking and trajectory prediction of dynamic obstacles to achieve efficient and reliable autonomous flight. We use a lightweight object detection algorithm to identify dynamic obstacles and then use Kalman Filtering to track and estimate their motion states. During the planning phase, we not only consider static obstacles but also account for the potential movements of dynamic obstacles. For trajectory generation, we use a B-spline-based trajectory search algorithm, which is further optimized with various constraints to enhance safety and alignment with the UAV's motion characteristics. We conduct experiments in both simulation and real-world environments, and the results indicate that our approach can successfully detect and avoid obstacles in dynamic environments in real-time, offering greater reliability compared to existing approaches. Furthermore, with the advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology demonstrating exceptional zero-shot generalization capabilities, more user-friendly human-machine interactions have become feasible, and this study also explores the integration of autonomous planning systems with Large Language Models (LLMs).

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