Comparative Analysis of Shear Strength Prediction Models for Reinforced Concrete Slab-Column Connections

Sarmed Wahab, Nasim Shakouri Mahmoudabadi, Sarmad Waqas, Nouman Herl, Muhammad Iqbal, Khurshid Alam, Afaq Ahmad

This research aims at comparative analysis of shear strength prediction at slab-column connection, unifying machine learning, design codes and Finite Element Analysis. Current design codes (CDCs) of ACI 318-19 (ACI), Eurocode 2 (EC2), Compressive Force Path (CFP) method, Feed Forward Neural Network (FNN) based Artificial Neural Network (ANN), PSO-based FNN (PSOFNN), and BAT algorithm-based BATFNN are used. The study is complemented with FEA of slab for validating the experimental results and machine learning predictions.In the case of hybrid models of PSOFNN and BATFNN, mean square error is used as an objective function to obtain the optimized values of the weights, that are used by Feed Forward Neural Network to perform predictions on the slab data. Seven different models of PSOFNN, BATFNN, and FNN are trained on this data and the results exhibited that PSOFNN is the best model overall. PSOFNN has the best results for SCS=1 with highest value of R as 99.37% and lowest of MSE, and MAE values of 0.0275%, and 1.214% respectively which are better than the best FNN model for SCS=4 having the values of R, MSE, and MAE as 97.464%, 0.0492%, and 1.43%, respectively.

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