MRGazer: Decoding Eye Gaze Points from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Individual Space

Xiuwen Wu, Rongjie Hu, Jie Liang, Yanming Wang, Bensheng Qiu, Xiaoxiao Wang

Eye-tracking research has proven valuable in understanding numerous cognitive functions. Recently, Frey et al. provided an exciting deep learning method for learning eye movements from fMRI data. However, it needed to co-register fMRI into standard space to obtain eyeballs masks, and thus required additional templates and was time consuming. To resolve this issue, in this paper, we propose a framework named MRGazer for predicting eye gaze points from fMRI in individual space. The MRGazer consisted of eyeballs extraction module and a residual network-based eye gaze prediction. Compared to the previous method, the proposed framework skips the fMRI co-registration step, simplifies the processing protocol and achieves end-to-end eye gaze regression. The proposed method achieved superior performance in a variety of eye movement tasks than the co-registration-based method, and delivered objective results within a shorter time (~ 0.02 Seconds for each volume) than prior method (~0.3 Seconds for each volume).

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