Timely and Efficient Information Delivery in Real-Time Industrial IoT Networks

Hossam Farag, Dejan Vukobratovic, Andrea Munari, Cedomir Stefanovic

Enabling real-time communication in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networks is crucial to support autonomous, self-organized and re-configurable industrial automation for Industry 4.0 and the forthcoming Industry 5.0. In this paper, we consider a SIC-assisted real-time IIoT network, in which sensor nodes generate reports according to an event-generation probability that is specific for the monitored phenomena. The reports are delivered over a block-fading channel to a common Access Point (AP) in slotted ALOHA fashion, which leverages the imbalances in the received powers among the contending users and applies successive interference cancellation (SIC) to decode user packets from the collisions. We provide an extensive analytical treatment of the setup, deriving the Age of Information (AoI), throughput and deadline violation probability, when the AP has access to both the perfect as well as the imperfect channel-state information. We show that adopting SIC improves all the performance parameters with respect to the standard slotted ALOHA, as well as to an age-dependent access method. The analytical results agree with the simulation based ones, demonstrating that investing in the SIC capability at the receiver enables this simple access method to support timely and efficient information delivery in IIoT networks.

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