When is Off-Policy Evaluation Useful? A Data-Centric Perspective

Hao Sun, Alex J. Chan, Nabeel Seedat, Alihan Hüyük, Mihaela van der Schaar

Evaluating the value of a hypothetical target policy with only a logged dataset is important but challenging. On the one hand, it brings opportunities for safe policy improvement under high-stakes scenarios like clinical guidelines. On the other hand, such opportunities raise a need for precise off-policy evaluation (OPE). While previous work on OPE focused on improving the algorithm in value estimation, in this work, we emphasize the importance of the offline dataset, hence putting forward a data-centric framework for evaluating OPE problems. We propose DataCOPE, a data-centric framework for evaluating OPE, that answers the questions of whether and to what extent we can evaluate a target policy given a dataset. DataCOPE (1) forecasts the overall performance of OPE algorithms without access to the environment, which is especially useful before real-world deployment where evaluating OPE is impossible; (2) identifies the sub-group in the dataset where OPE can be inaccurate; (3) permits evaluations of datasets or data-collection strategies for OPE problems. Our empirical analysis of DataCOPE in the logged contextual bandit settings using healthcare datasets confirms its ability to evaluate both machine-learning and human expert policies like clinical guidelines.

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