Bias and Multiscale Correction Methods for Variational State Estimation Algorithms

Felipe Galarce, Joaquin Mura, Alfonso Caiazzo

The integration of experimental data into mathematical and computational models is crucial for enhancing their predictive power in real-world scenarios. However, the performance of data assimilation algorithms can be significantly degraded when measurements are corrupted by biased noise, altering the signal magnitude, or when the system dynamics lack smoothness, such as in the presence of fast oscillations or discontinuities. This paper focuses on variational state estimation using the so-called Parameterized Background Data Weak method, which relies on a parameterized background by a set of constraints, enabling state estimation by solving a minimization problem on a reduced-order background model, subject to constraints imposed by the input measurements. To address biased noise in observations, a modified formulation is proposed, incorporating a correction mechanism to handle rapid oscillations by treating them as slow-decaying modes based on a two-scale splitting of the classical reconstruction algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is demonstrated through various examples, including discontinuous signals and simulated Doppler ultrasound data.

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