Evolution of Neural Architectures for Financial Forecasting: A Note on Data Incompatibility during Crisis Periods

Faizal Hafiz, Jan Broekaert, Akshya Swain

This note focuses on the optimization of neural architectures for stock index movement forecasting following a major market disruption or crisis. Given that such crises may introduce a shift in market dynamics, this study aims to investigate whether the training data from market dynamics prior to the crisis are compatible with the data during the crisis period. To this end, two distinct learning environments are designed to evaluate and reconcile the effects of possibly different market dynamics. These environments differ principally based on the role assigned to the pre-crisis data. In both environments, a set of non-dominated architectures are identified to satisfy the multi-criteria co-evolution problem, which simultaneously addresses the selection issues related to features and hidden layer topology. To test the hypothesis of pre-crisis data incompatibility, the day-ahead movement prediction of the NASDAQ index is considered during two recent and major market disruptions; the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of a detailed comparative evaluation convincingly support the incompatibility hypothesis and highlight the need to select re-training windows carefully.

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