Which Matters Most in Making Fund Investment Decisions? A Multi-granularity Graph Disentangled Learning Framework

Chunjing Gan, Binbin Hu, Bo Huang, Tianyu Zhao, Yingru Lin, Wenliang Zhong, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jun Zhou, Chuan Shi

In this paper, we highlight that both conformity and risk preference matter in making fund investment decisions beyond personal interest and seek to jointly characterize these aspects in a disentangled manner. Consequently, we develop a novel M ulti-granularity Graph Disentangled Learning framework named MGDL to effectively perform intelligent matching of fund investment products. Benefiting from the well-established fund graph and the attention module, multi-granularity user representations are derived from historical behaviors to separately express personal interest, conformity and risk preference in a fine-grained way. To attain stronger disentangled representations with specific semantics, MGDL explicitly involve two self-supervised signals, i.e., fund type based contrasts and fund popularity. Extensive experiments in offline and online environments verify the effectiveness of MGDL.

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