Efficient Local Search for Nonlinear Real Arithmetic

Zhonghan Wang, Bohua Zhan, Bohan Li, Shaowei Cai

Local search has recently been applied to SMT problems over various arithmetic theories. Among these, nonlinear real arithmetic poses special challenges due to its uncountable solution space and potential need to solve higher-degree polynomials. As a consequence, existing work on local search only considered fragments of the theory. In this work, we analyze the difficulties and propose ways to address them, resulting in an efficient search algorithm that covers the full theory of nonlinear real arithmetic. In particular, we present two algorithmic improvements: incremental computation of variable scores and temporary relaxation of equality constraints. We also discuss choice of candidate moves and a look-ahead mechanism in case when no critical moves are available. The resulting implementation is competitive on satisfiable problem instances against complete methods such as MCSAT in existing SMT solvers.

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