Efficient $k$-Clique Listing: An Edge-Oriented Branching Strategy

Kaixin Wang, Kaiqiang Yu, Cheng Long

$k$-clique listing is a vital graph mining operator with diverse applications in various networks. The state-of-the-art algorithms all adopt a branch-and-bound (BB) framework with a vertex-oriented branching strategy (called VBBkC), which forms a sub-branch by expanding a partial $k$-clique with a vertex. These algorithms have the time complexity of $O(k m (\delta/2)^{k-2})$, where $m$ is the number of edges in the graph and $\delta$ is the degeneracy of the graph. In this paper, we propose a BB framework with a new edge-oriented branching (called EBBkC), which forms a sub-branch by expanding a partial $k$-clique with two vertices that connect each other (which correspond to an edge). We explore various edge orderings for EBBkC such that it achieves a time complexity of $O(\delta m + k m (\tau/2)^{k-2})$, where $\tau$ is an integer related to the maximum truss number of the graph and we have $\tau < \delta$. The time complexity of EBBkC is better than that of VBBkC algorithms for $k>3$ since both $O(\delta m)$ and $O(k m (\tau/2)^{k-2})$ are bounded by $O(k m (\delta/2)^{k-2})$. Furthermore, we develop specialized algorithms for sub-branches on dense graphs so that we can early-terminate them and apply the specialized algorithms. We conduct extensive experiments on 19 real graphs, and the results show that our newly developed EBBkC-based algorithms with the early termination technique consistently and largely outperform the state-of-the-art (VBBkC-based) algorithms.

Knowledge Graph



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