Electric Vehicles coordination for grid balancing using multi-objective Harris Hawks Optimization

Cristina Bianca Pop, Tudor Cioara, Viorica Chifu, Ionut Anghel, Francesco Bellesini

The rise of renewables coincides with the shift towards Electrical Vehicles (EVs) posing technical and operational challenges for the energy balance of the local grid. Nowadays, the energy grid cannot deal with a spike in EVs usage leading to a need for more coordinated and grid aware EVs charging and discharging strategies. However, coordinating power flow from multiple EVs into the grid requires sophisticated algorithms and load-balancing strategies as the complexity increases with more control variables and EVs, necessitating large optimization and decision search spaces. In this paper, we propose an EVs fleet coordination model for the day ahead aiming to ensure a reliable energy supply and maintain a stable local grid, by utilizing EVs to store surplus energy and discharge it during periods of energy deficit. The optimization problem is addressed using Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO) considering criteria related to energy grid balancing, time usage preference, and the location of EV drivers. The EVs schedules, associated with the position of individuals from the population, are adjusted through exploration and exploitation operations, and their technical and operational feasibility is ensured, while the rabbit individual is updated with a non-dominated EV schedule selected per iteration using a roulette wheel algorithm. The solution is evaluated within the framework of an e-mobility service in Terni city. The results indicate that coordinated charging and discharging of EVs not only meet balancing service requirements but also align with user preferences with minimal deviations.

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