How We Manage an Army of Teaching Assistants: Experience Report on Scaling a CS1 Course

Ildar Akhmetov, Sadaf Ahmed, Kezziah Ayuno

A considerable increase in enrollment numbers poses major challenges in course management, such as fragmented information sharing, inefficient meetings, and poor understanding of course activities among a large team of teaching assistants. To address these challenges, we restructured the course, drawing inspiration from successful management and educational practices. We developed an organized, three-tier structure for teams, each led by an experienced Lead TA. We also formed five functional teams, each focusing on a specific area of responsibility: communication, content, "lost student" support, plagiarism, and scheduling. In addition, we updated our recruitment method for undergraduate TAs, following a model similar to the one used in the software industry, while also deciding to mentor Lead TAs in place of traditional training. Our experiences, lessons learned, and future plans for enhancement have been detailed in this experience report. We emphasize the value of using management techniques in dealing with large-scale course handling and invite cooperation to improve the implementation of these strategies, inviting other institutions to consider and adapt this approach, tailoring it to their specific needs.

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