Segment (Almost) Nothing: Prompt-Agnostic Adversarial Attacks on Segmentation Models

Francesco Croce, Matthias Hein

General purpose segmentation models are able to generate (semantic) segmentation masks from a variety of prompts, including visual (points, boxed, etc.) and textual (object names) ones. In particular, input images are pre-processed by an image encoder to obtain embedding vectors which are later used for mask predictions. Existing adversarial attacks target the end-to-end tasks, i.e. aim at altering the segmentation mask predicted for a specific image-prompt pair. However, this requires running an individual attack for each new prompt for the same image. We propose instead to generate prompt-agnostic adversarial attacks by maximizing the $\ell_2$-distance, in the latent space, between the embedding of the original and perturbed images. Since the encoding process only depends on the image, distorted image representations will cause perturbations in the segmentation masks for a variety of prompts. We show that even imperceptible $\ell_\infty$-bounded perturbations of radius $\epsilon=1/255$ are often sufficient to drastically modify the masks predicted with point, box and text prompts by recently proposed foundation models for segmentation. Moreover, we explore the possibility of creating universal, i.e. non image-specific, attacks which can be readily applied to any input without further computational cost.

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