A set of vectors $S \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ is $(k_1,\varepsilon)$-clusterable if there are $k_1$ balls of radius $\varepsilon$ that cover $S$. A set of vectors $S \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ is $(k_2,\delta)$-far from being clusterable if there are at least $k_2$ vectors in $S$, with all pairwise distances at least $\delta$. We propose a probabilistic algorithm to distinguish between these two cases. Our algorithm reaches a decision by only looking at the extreme values of a scalar valued hash function, defined by a random field, on $S$; hence, it is especially suitable in distributed and online settings. An important feature of our method is that the algorithm is oblivious to the number of vectors: in the online setting, for example, the algorithm stores only a constant number of scalars, which is independent of the stream length. We introduce random field hash functions, which are a key ingredient in our paradigm. Random field hash functions generalize locality-sensitive hashing (LSH). In addition to the LSH requirement that ``nearby vectors are hashed to similar values", our hash function also guarantees that the ``hash values are (nearly) independent random variables for distant vectors". We formulate necessary conditions for the kernels which define the random fields applied to our problem, as well as a measure of kernel optimality, for which we provide a bound. Then, we propose a method to construct kernels which approximate the optimal one.