Windformer:Bi-Directional Long-Distance Spatio-Temporal Network For Wind Speed Prediction

Xuewei Li, Zewen Shang, Zhiqiang Liu, Jian Yu, Wei Xiong, Mei Yu

Wind speed prediction is critical to the management of wind power generation. Due to the large range of wind speed fluctuations and wake effect, there may also be strong correlations between long-distance wind turbines. This difficult-to-extract feature has become a bottleneck for improving accuracy. History and future time information includes the trend of airflow changes, whether this dynamic information can be utilized will also affect the prediction effect. In response to the above problems, this paper proposes Windformer. First, Windformer divides the wind turbine cluster into multiple non-overlapping windows and calculates correlations inside the windows, then shifts the windows partially to provide connectivity between windows, and finally fuses multi-channel features based on detailed and global information. To dynamically model the change process of wind speed, this paper extracts time series in both history and future directions simultaneously. Compared with other current-advanced methods, the Mean Square Error (MSE) of Windformer is reduced by 0.5\% to 15\% on two datasets from NERL.

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